Tuesday, February 26, 2013

And so my journey begins...again!!

I have gone back and forth repeatedly between my binges of selfishness and then my rediscovery of The Lord numerous times, but this time I have made a promise to myself and my Lord that I will never turn my back on Him ever again. Too many times I have fallen and stumbled when I try living my life on my own terms and that has only led me down a path of disappointment, loneliness and depression. Staying on this new path with God helps keep the bad distractions out of my life and just makes life more joyful--plus everyone else enjoys being around me a lot more than when I'm selfish and bitter.

I attended church for the first time in almost a year this past Sunday and the theme of the service was "Choices & Character," which I eventually found to be a great way for me to get started back on my relationship with God again. The pastor that spoke for this worship service discussed Ruth chapter two when she returns to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law after they have both lost their husbands. It shows that Ruth, who has no concern for what people say or think about her, just lives life by the word of The Lord. I read the book of Ruth yesterday and although it was short I really enjoyed it! Needless to say a great quote I remembered came to mind: "what everyone else says about you is none of your business." It is so very true! The choices we make whether by ourselves or surrounded by others truly shapes who our character is and becomes. This has helped remind myself that the longer you live life making better choices, the easier and more natural it becomes. I strive to be a good, humble Christian, but I have made this difficult for myself over the past several years because I have chosen to put myself before God time and time again.

After attending church Sunday, I attended a wonderful gathering with the church's Women's Ministry whose theme and discussion was titled, "I'm in Love!: Dating & Marriage Preparation." I feel I got more out of the group discussion part rather than watching the video. I felt the video was geared more towards people/couples actually preparing for marriage, which I am very far from. I may have a past filled with old boyfriends, but I have co e to realize I never gave myself a chance to grow and find myself on my own. It's unfortunate and sad to say that I honestly have had a revolving door of boyfriends since I was 15 with MAYBE a one- or two-month "single" time period in between each of them. Now, I'm not proud of this, but I'm not ashamed either. I'm glad I'm finally on my way to learning more about who I am and how strong I am on my own without a boyfriend! I am glad to have joined the Women's Ministry group because I feel that will help me a LOT! I'm also planning on becoming part of their Bible study group as well because I want to learn more about the Bible as I have never taken the time to study and understand it.

Well, I am off to bed now as I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, but I look forward to sharing more of my journey with whoever is reading this out there! May The Lord be with you if you so choose or if you're seeking Him and may God bless you! :)